Selasa, 07 November 2017

Deep philosophy thinking : The perfect point of SKAGEN

SKAGEN from Copenhagen movie

He released the two seas, meeting [side by side]; Between them is a barrier [so] neither of them transgresse (55:19)

Skagen is a point where two oceans meet :
On the right side where the Baltic Sea is.
The current travels west

On the left side, there is also a North Sea.. 
but the current travels east

You can look to the left, and
you can look to the right,

and both seas are there,

and they can meet in the middle,

but they never lose

themselves in each other 

They're always themselves no matter what

"Setiap orang memiliki pandangan dan tujuan hidup yang berbeda, yang tidak bisa kita paksakan agar menjadi sama dengan kita. Akan tetapi selalu ada titik dimana perbedaan itu bisa bertemu di tengah, berjalan beriringan namun selalu menjadi diri kita sendiri, yakin dengan apa yang kita yakini bagaimanapun kondisinya"

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